Dam Removal Moment

Executive Director Emily Norton, Climate Resilience Specialist Robert Kearns, and Hartman Deetz of the Mashpee Wampanoag nation present to Watertown City Council in November.

Thank you to Watertown City Council, Watertown Conservation Commission, Waltham Conservation Commission, Weston Conservation Commission, and Dedham Sustainability Committee for expressing support for the removal of Watertown Dam to restore the river ecosystem and build climate resilience.

Charles River

Charles River Watershed Association’s mission is to use science, advocacy, and the law to protect, restore, and enhance the Charles River and its watershed. We develop science-based strategies to increase resilience, protect public health, and promote environmental equity as we confront a changing climate.


CRWA Concerned About Flooding, Pollution with MassDOT Allston I-90 Project (Press Release)


Let’s Cut the Crap–Sewer Overflows That Is.